
4、Prev Med:家庭环境中成长决定你将来是否是个胖子?


1、常见的农药可引发癌症?(Does This Common Pesticide Cause Cancer?)
2、儿童输血可引发食物过敏(Kids Can Get Food Allergies From Donated Blood)
3、一天一听健怡饮料 会使腰围增加(Is Diet Coke making you fat? People who drink at least one can a day have larger waist measurements)
4、女子服避孕药后产生2个巨大血栓 引发肺栓塞('I nearly died because of taking the pill': Bride-to-be left with two massive blood clots and a collapsed lung after taking the contraceptive)
5、60岁以上女性寿命缩短(Shock fall in life expectancy for women over 60: Unhealthy lifestyles and cuts to social care blamed after first fall in decades)
6、英政府禁烟 经销商将烟草藏起来销售(Newsagents will have to hide cigarette packs in cupboards from today as part of Government drive to stop people smoking)
7、酗酒增加年轻人患焦虑症风险(Binge drinking as a teenager 'may damage the brain for life': Alcohol puts young people at risk of anxiety disorders and addiction)
8、服用安眠药会影响精神健康(A Troubling Potential Link Between Sleep Aids And Mental Illness)