
7、糖尿病、胃酸反流 能从口腔发现的六种严重疾病
8、重庆医改提价引病人情绪激动 拔输液针头戳护士


1、近一半老板不愿意雇佣胖员工(Overweight? You needn't bother applying for the job: Nearly half of employers are 'unlikely' to hire fat workers because they fear they're lazy)
2、奶酪可降低患心血管疾病的风险(Quel fromage! French cheese diet 'reduces the risk of a heart attack')
3、科学家发现使头发再生新方法(At last, a cure for baldness! Scientists discover how to regrow hair)
4、不幸的家庭生活会使青少年体重增加(An unhappy home is a FAT home: Divorce and death trigger weight gain in girls while boys with depressed mothers are more likely to be obese)
5、艾滋病患者新希望:抗体治疗助力新疫苗诞生(New hope for HIV patients: Pioneering antibody treatment could pave the way for vaccine to prevent infection)
6、月经周期会使皮肤变差? 或许你应该这样做(How your monthly cycle plays havoc with your skin causing wrinkles, oiliness and spots. But you CAN beat it - and here's how
7、10种利于肠道健康的食物(The 10 Healthiest Foods For Your Gut)
8、柠檬汁真的会燃烧卡路里?(Does Lemon Juice Really Burn Calories?)