
3、礼来偏头痛药物LY2951742 IIb期临床有效预防偏头痛发作
7、美国医生创造新技术 丰胸效果仅持续一天
8、新版中国药典共收载5608种药品 金银花山银花仍分别收载


1、发酵食品有助于克服社交恐惧症(Social Anxiety? Fermented Foods May Help)
2、新线索揭示癌症如何导致器官衰竭(New clue to how cancer causes organ failure)
3、恐慌症患者患心脏病风险增加(Link between panic attacks and heart disease discovered)
4、多年争议后 一项浩大工程帮助科学家破译大脑(After years of conflict, huge project could help scientists decipher the brain)
5、安眠药使患肺癌风险增加三倍(Sleeping pills TREBLE the risk of lung cancer: Common drugs including Xanax and Valium trigger 'worrying' rates of disease)
6、致命头颈癌中的关键基因(Key gene in deadly head and neck cancers revealed)
7、科学揭示女性心率和性功能之间的联系(Heart Rate Linked to Women's Sexual Problems)
8、看电影吃爆米花? 一包含糖量是5天的糖摄入量(The cinema popcorn with five days' worth of sugar: Other packs can contain almost an entire days salt consumption)