
2、美国前总统卡特承认患癌 家庭4成员均死于胰腺癌
4、Nature Communications:实时记录神经系统,解开大脑秘密
5、天津医疗供血逐渐恢复正常 重伤人员增至71人
8、青霉素皮试阳性 能否继续用头孢?


1、CDC:美国1/4老年女性患有骨质疏松(1 in 4 Senior Women in U.S. Has Osteoporosis: CDC)
2、听喜欢的音乐有助于术后恢复(Your Favorite Music May Boost Post-Op Recovery)
3、聪明的人更长寿 和优良基因有关(Smart people live longer: 95% of the link between intelligence and longevity 'is down to good genes')
4、揭秘性生活的最佳时刻(The best time to make love? 5.48 in the morning: Revealed in fascinating detail, the secrets of your internal body clock)
5、科学揭秘控制睡醒周期的生物学机制(Scientists discover what controls waking up and going to sleep)
6、低脂饮食比低碳水化合物饮食更有益于减肥(Low-fat diet results in more fat loss than low-carb diet in humans)
7、运动和健康的秘密:锻炼可升高体内鸢尾素含量(Exercise-induced hormone irisin is not a 'myth')
8、改进光能疗法或可治疗卵巢癌(Advance in photodynamic therapy offers new approach to ovarian cancer)