
7、世界青蒿之都陷“三无”烦恼: 十年前卖22现在只卖5块


1、科学家揭示最健脑的6种食物(Now for the brain course! Scientists prove you CAN eat your way to a sharper mind with six key foods)
2、保健牙齿 不妨试试漱口茶(For clean teeth, try gargling tea: Tannin's antibacterial properties could reduce the build-up of plaque)
3、经常出现淤青 这个问题需要担心吗?(ASK THE DOCTOR: I bruise very easily - should I be worried?)
4、新型晶片或可终结糖尿病患者每日注射胰岛素(The wafer that could mean the end of daily insulin jabs: New technology could help patients who dislike using needles)
5、夏季出生的宝宝更健康(Why being a summer baby is good for your health: People born in June, July and August are 'heavier at birth and taller as adults')
6、糖尿病患者每晚饮用点红酒可有效改善心血管健康(Red wine with dinner can improve cardiovascular health of people with type 2 diabetes)
7、你的手干净吗? 最新研究结果颠覆你的想法(How clean are your hands? The answer, revealed in this unique experiment, may shock you - and change how you wash!)
8、RNA编辑技术可治疗严重的肌肉萎缩症(RNA editing technique treats severe form of muscular dystrophy)