
2、Spine J :腰痛与腰椎间盘退变的最新知见
4、张强医生集团首轮融资终止 或于10月登陆上海股权托管中心


1、工作压力大易致中风(Job Stress Tied to Stroke Risk, Study Suggests)
2、睡眠暂停呼吸综合征女性患者更易患心脏病(Sleep Apnea May Raise Women's Heart Risk)
3、埃博拉病毒可在得愈者精液中持续存活9个月(Ebola May Persist This Long in Survivors' Semen)
4、这样散步会燃烧更多卡路里(For a Better Calorie Burn, Do This While Walking)
5、生食牡蛎易患甲型肝炎(Hepatitis A and Undercooked Shellfish - Topic Overview)
6、英媒揭示几种润肠通便的食物(Revealed...The foods that help you go to the loo: Coffee, broccoli and chilli help keep you regular, while cheese, meat and unripe bananas may cause constipation)
7、每周3-4次性交有助于肾结石自然排出体外(Is sex nature's way of curing kidney stones? Intercourse 3-4 times a week 'can help spontaneously clear them from the body')
8、碳水化合物不会使你发胖 营养学家揭示8种饮食误区(Carbs DON'T make you fat, you CAN eat after 7pm and most people don't have a wheat allergy: Nutritionist busts 8 food myths 'even smart people believe'...)