
2、重磅! 美国前总统卡特脑部癌细胞消失,让世界再次聚焦PD-1/PD-L1重磅炸弹!
6、这样的验证码 只有医生才能抢到火车票


1、早上一杯热柠檬水有助于减肥、防感冒、抗衰老(Why drinking hot lemon in the morning DOES improve your health: A slice of the fruit in hot water can aid weight loss, help combat colds and keep you looking young)
2、这6件事会加速你通往死亡的坟墓(The 6 things most likely to send you to an early grave: Sitting for more than 7 hours a day and sleeping for more than 9 join the usual culprits such as alcohol and smoking)
3、周末赖床会增加患糖尿病和心脏病风险(Could your weekend lie in KILL you? Social jet lag 'increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease')
4、每天吃一个梨可将肥胖风险降低35%(One PEAR a day keeps the pounds away: People who regularly consume the fruit are '35% less likely to be obese')
5、常见治疗心力衰竭药物弊大于利(Common Heart Failure Drugs May Harm More Than Help)
6、从小被欺负将会留下永久的精神创伤(Bullying Can Leave Lasting Mental Scars)
7、CDC:很少有学校对青少年进行性健康教育(CDC: Too Few Schools Teach Prevention of HIV, STDs, Pregnancy)
8、乳腺癌早期患者化疗伤心脏? 两种药物可保护心脏(Drugs May Protect the Heart During Chemotherapy)