
2、新研究表明患癌率在高收入国家下降 却在低收入国家增长
7、幼年时期常接触铅 或导致成年后出现睡眠问题


1、超过90%的癌症由不健康生活习惯导致(How cancer ISN'T all in your genes: Up to 90% of cases 'could be wiped out by avoiding triggers caused by our unhealthy lifestyles')
2、水果罐头、蔬菜罐头有益健康?(Tinned food CAN be good for you: People who eat canned fruit and veg 'may have healthier diets than others who eat none')
3、高收入女性每天饮酒量是低收入女性的3倍(Why well-off women are most likely to have a problem with alcohol: Richest fifth are three times more likely to drink every day than those on lower incomes)
4、疲劳、缺乏性欲、不明原因哭泣……种种迹象表明你患上了季节性情绪失调(Is your bad mood MORE than just the winter blues? Infographic reveals how fatigue, a lack of sex drive and crying spells could be a sign you're suffering SAD)
5、挥之不去的影响:美调查显示埃博拉幸存者仍存在后遗症(U.S. Ebola Survivors Suffered Lingering Effects)
6、牛奶真的可以促进睡眠 奶牛夜间产奶效果更好(A milky drink really can help you nod off - but only if the cow was milked at NIGHT: Cattle produce more sleep-inducing compounds after dark)
7、被动吸烟可使不孕风险提高20% 更年期提前2年(Even PASSIVE smoking may raise the risk of infertility by 20% and bring forward the menopause by 2 YEARS)
8、蘑菇中活性成分有助于癌症患者缓解抑郁和焦虑情绪(How magic mushrooms can HELP cancer patients: Active ingredient 'reduces anxiety and depression')