
1、儿童医疗保障严重不足 政府支持和引入商保是未来趋势
7、卫计委:儿科不得停拒诊 人不够内科凑


1、寨卡病毒蔓延巴西 你还去看奥运会吗?
2、对某种声音极度难以忍受? 这叫“恐音症”


1、服用抗生素会增加患性病风险?(Could taking antibiotics increase your risk of STDs? Drugs 'block the immune system's ability to fight the herpes virus')
2、大脑扫描可以预测抑郁症?(Brain scans could detect depression BEFORE symptoms appear: 'Striking differences' identified in circuits controlling feelings and thinking)
3、想要减肥?整理下厨房吧 杂乱的厨房可使食欲大增(Want to lose weight? Tidy your kitchen! Cluttered surfaces make us feel stressed and cause us to eat TWICE as much)
4、锻炼——克服心脏病发作的最佳方式(The best way to get over a heart attack? Do MORE exercise)
5、春季寨卡病毒将在美国南部盛行 气温上升蚊子繁殖增加(Zika virus 'could be rife in Southern US by spring': Experts warn rising temperatures will trigger a surge in cases as the mosquito population multiplies)
6、久坐会增加患糖尿病风险(Sitting raises diabetes risk - and the gym won't help: Every hour someone spends being inactive can increase chance of developing type 2 by a fifth)
7、孕妇吃巧克力有益于胎儿生长(Chocolate is GOOD for pregnant women: Doctors say it has a ‘positive impact on placenta and fetal growth‘)
8、医学家表示 米开朗基罗可能有关节炎(Michelangelo Likely Had Arthritis, Medical Experts Say)