
1、研究:时间确系疗伤良药 11周即可治愈失恋伤痛
2、血检筛查所有癌症不靠谱 乳腺癌可早期筛查发现
3、肥胖危害堪比战争 全球每年因肥胖损失2万亿美元
7、轮状病毒不仅可致腹泻 或可致特定脑白质损伤


1、坚果比他汀类药物更管用?(Eating nuts may be better for you than taking statins: Doctors warn that simply changing their diet may be better for some patients than taking drugs)
2、周末赖床两小时增加肥胖的风险(Do you suffer social jetlag? A two-hour lie-in at the weekend increases the risk of being OBESE, scientists warn)
3、英国最年轻的器官捐献者 出生几天的婴儿拯救两个人的生命(Britain's youngest organ donor: Baby girl who died just days after being born saves two lives)
4、医生是如何保持年轻的?(How doctors keep young: Their biggest secret? They will do anything to steer clear of other doctors! Learn from them by avoiding medicines and ops you don't need)
5、爬楼梯膝盖受伤? 警惕关节炎(Do your knees hurt as you climb up the stairs? It could be the first sign of arthritis)
6、麻疹常见问答(Measles FAQ)
7、早年感染胃幽门螺旋杆菌的女性 以后患多发性硬化症的风险降低(Ulcer Bacteria Tied to Lower MS Risk in Women)
8、埃博拉影响的不仅是死者 还会影响留下的孩子(Ebola Affects Not Only the Dead, But the Children Left Behind)